Our Values
DAGC will achieve consistency by maintaining integration and clarity with respect to its five core values. We are...
Community Centered
By this we mean:
- We are a local, independent organization and an unbiased source of information and services to the diabetes community and general public.
- We are responsive to changing needs.
- We are an easily accessible and reliable source of support for those who live with diabetes.
- We take a proactive leadership role in the community, serving as an advocate for those who live with diabetes.
- We are leaders in educational programming for both the public and professional communities.
By this we mean:
- We provide the highest quality services and information.
- We are a highly qualified and accountable team of professionals and volunteers.
- We are honest, reputable, ethical, and confidential.
- We emphasize excellence and leadership in everything we do.
- We engage in continuous processes of self-assessment.
By this we mean:
- We value initiative and creativity in all we do.
- We encourage a competitive, entrepreneurial spirit in pursuit of our mission.
- We foster the scholarshiip of both established and "upcoming" investigators.
- We are multidisciplinary in our approach to research and education.
- We constantly pursue new methods and types of fundraising.
By this we mean:
- We are accessible to all who need our services regardless of individual circumstances.
- We are culturally sensitive in our approaches to diabetes education and services.
- We strive to achieve ethnic and professional diversity in our board, staff and volunteers.
- We seek collaborative opportunities with a variety of other organizations.
By this we mean:
- We value the compassion our staff and volunteers demonstrate in achieving our mission.
- We are sensitive to the special health concerns of persons with diabetes and their families.
- We are advocates for persons with diabetes and their families.
- We have mutual respect and open communication among our board, staff and volunteers.
- We have a sensitivity to our civic responsibilities.