Stem Cell Resources
- For a brief overview of what stem cells are and why embryonic stem cell research is important, see Stem Cell Basics.
- A good place to better understand stem cells, the current status of stem cell research, and all of the sources of stem cells is the National Institutes of Health Website section devoted to stem cells. You will also find a glossary, information about Federal policy, and news.
- The journal, Nature has created a website dedicated to informing the community about stem cells, current research, ethics, events, scientific commentary and clinical trials. Nature Reports Stem Cells also allows readers to blog about any stem cell issue.
- Read the report from the National Research Council Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences Committee on Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research. The report is intended to provide guidelines for conducting human embryonic stem cell (hES) research, both public and private, in a responsible manner and also provides background and history.
DAGCs Stem Cell Research Position Statement
The Diabetes Association of Greater Cleveland, recognizing the potential for the cure of diabetes, supports stem cell research that is in compliance with federal, state and local guidelines and statues.
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