The Diabetes Association of Greater Cleveland's Dietrich Diabetes Research Institute (DDRI) Summer Internship in Diabetes Research offers up to six undergraduate, graduate and medical students the opportunity to work for a ten-week period (June-August) with established diabetes researchers in northeast Ohio research institutions.
Each intern is sponsored by a local diabetes researcher and works closely with his or her sponsor designing and completing a research project in the area of diabetes during the 10-week internship. In addition, interns receive a $2,500 stipend, attend weekly diabetes seminars, spend time at Camp Ho Mita Koda learning about diabetes on a personal level, and present their research projects at a DAGC Board of Directors meeting.
Please note that DAGC/DDRI does not arrange housing or living arrangements for awardees.
- Full time undergraduate, graduate or medical students
- Demonstrated scholastic ability
- Proposed research project must be conducted at an approved institution in the northeast Ohio area, although interns may be from a college outside the area
- Proposed research cannot be part of the candidates fulfillment of requirements for a degree
- Applicant may not receive overlapping funding for the internship period and project
Project Details & Requirements
- Interns receive a $2,500 stipend
- Interns must work at least 10 full weeks during June August
- At the conclusion of the project, a written report, a presentation and program evaluation is required from the intern. A follow-up letter from the sponsor of the project is also required.
(Click on link to open file. Save file to your computer to complete application.)
Summer Internship Application and Instructions in Word Format
Current Sponsor List
Application Requirements
- Applicant must enlist an established diabetes investigator to serve as his or her project sponsor.
- If students do not have a sponsor in mind, check the list of potential sponsors for the Summer of 2007.
- Completed application including required essays
- Two letters of recommendation
- Letter from sponsoring researcher
- Two page biosketch of sponsoring researcher
- Updated official transcript
- Medical or Graduate Students Only: Official undergraduate transcript also required
Information for Summer Intern Sponsors