The basis for this study relates to data indicating that sleep apnea, with associated hypoxemia and sleep fragmentation, exacerbates glucose intolerance and enhances inflammatory processes associated with cardiovascular disease. We will see if reversal of the sleep problems with CPAP treatment may restore metabolic control to normal ranges, preventing the progression to diabetes.
This study, "Effects of Sleep Apnea Treatment on Metabolic Syndrome," may be of benefit to many patients who are at risk for diabetes or with sleep apnea. It is a 7-8 month long, double blinded, crossover study that will evaluate changes in insulin resistance and other indices of the metabolic syndrome, as well as changes in quality of life, sleepiness, and blood pressures in patients with sleep apnea and impaired glucose tolerance, trated with two months of effective CPAP therapy compared to two months of sham CPAP therapy.
Some participants will get to work with a personal activity and nutrition leader who will educate the youth and their families on how to make healthy lifestyle changes.
Patients who may be eligible are those who have impaired glucose tolerance but not frank diabetes, have sleep apnea, age 18-75 years, and are otherwise in stable health without marked daytime sleepiness. Please note that we can provide free screening with a glucose tolerance test and home sleep study for any patient who seems at high risk for these conditions, but who have not had these specific tests.
Benefits for participants:
- State of the art titration with CPAP.
- Free REM STAR Plus C-Flex machine (a modern CPAP machine that allows for lower pressure with exhalation) with heated humidifier.
- Nutritional and sleep habits counseling by excellent health counselors, and ongoing monitoring or glucose tolerance and other health indicators.
- Monetary reimbursement will be provided to compensate for time.
Contact Information:
Kathryn Clark at or
Joan Aylor at
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